Hello all,
In my attempt to find the best x-10 deals on the web for my customers, I found the deal of the day. This is pretty cool.
When I first bought my home, I had ADT, a security company come to my home and install a full package. It was costly to set up and I have incurred a monthly bill that I could have avoided. So, I thought you may be interested in this package deal. A complete security system that is easy to install and use, all for $99.99. Shipping is free on this order. You can find this deal on my site
OK, here's the story.....Professionally installed alarm systems can start at several thousand dollars, with a monthly subscription of $50 or more to a call centers. These call centers are supposed to call the police or the fire department if the alarm sounds, making your home that much safer, right? Wrong, Marshall (Author of the book, "Home Security: Your Guide to Protecting Your Family") said. “The damage is done by the time the police get there,” she said. “Once they hear the alarm, they're going to grab what they can and run.” -New York Daily Sep. 10, 2007
However, most security companies make you sign a contract, pay a monthly "monitoring" fee and pay all sorts of hidden costs to secure your home. That's where X10's Wireless Home Security System is different.
No contracts! No monthly fees! No installation charges! No false alarm fines! Heck, no hidden fees period!
Just quality home security at a one-time affordable price! The great thing about this system is once you buy it, you own it, with nothing more to buy!
Secure every entrance with 10 Door/Window Sensors!
You don't live in hut with one door and no windows. The average American home has close to a dozen entrances, yet the average Home Security System only comes with one or two Door/Window Sensors. The simple fact is, while it's important to secure your front and back door, most burglars don't enter your home through the obvious entrances.
With 10 Door/Window Sensors included, you will be able to secure your front and back door, garage door, bathroom windows, basement entrance and more!
Eliminate the middle man with the Voice Dialer Console
This is the brain of your Home Security System. It communicates with all of the sensors to make sure your house stays locked down safe and tight. At the first sign of trouble, it sounds the blaring alarm, flashes your lamps (Lamp Modules sold separately) and automatically dials your contacts until someone answers. You can set it to dial your cell phone, friends, relatives, neighbors - whoever you trust the most! Then, whoever answers can listen in on your home and make the decision whether or not to call the police. That way you don't have to rely on some sleepy guy in a call center and you avoid false alarm fines!
The Voice Dialer Console works with standard phone lines, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), and even with cell phone docking stations which have standard phone line outputs! So, no matter what kind of phone line you have, this is the Home Security System for you!
"But for added security, especially for the traveler who moves around a lot, the do-it-yourself X10 wireless system might be the way to go. X10 refers to wireless technology that allows security components to talk to each other and your computer. "The components, which include cameras, motion sensors or shattered glass detectors, are becoming more and more popular as their prices plummet. You can program the components and monitor security from your home computer or laptop, using software like ActiveHome Pro or iWatchOut.” -New York Daily Sep. 10, 2007
No more setting down your stuff to enter a keypad code!
You also get a handheld Security Remote, which also controls your system. And wait! Don't forget - all three remotes also let you control your lights with the touch of a button! (Lamp Modules sold separately)
Plus, the Keychain Remotes even have a Panic option! Sound your alarm with the push of a button at the first sign of danger!
Let would-be intruders know: Your home is protected by X10!
Amazingly, Home Security Decals are one of the most effective crime prevention measures on the market! Think of it this way: If you were a burglar, which house would you choose - the one with the security system, or the one without?
That's why X10's Home Security System comes with 4 decals - three Window Stickers and a Yard Sign. Post them clearly around your home and no burglar in their right mind will want to mess with your home!
This system has it all! With a total value of $366.82, this is system is a STEAL! But if you order today, you'll get all this for only $99.99! That's much less than other Home Security Systems!
I spend a good deal of time finding and highlighting the best deals of the day. If you have any questions on this item, feel free to contact me. Thanks for visiting!
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